Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hair troubles..?

I have naturally light brown hair. I usually use the 2-in1 dark blond with lighter blond highlights which works great for me. However this time, I made the mistake of coloring it with Feria's Medium blond hair dye, and it took on a really ugly orangy blond color. I bought a Loreal light ash blond dye to take the red out, but am scared it will turn grey or green! Can anyone tell me if this is the case, or will the ash take the red out?

Hair troubles..?

Hm, maybe it would turn out to be a color you don't like.

What I suggest you would be to return to the drug store where you bought the Loreal thing and ask the cosmetic girl what kind of color you should take and i suggest you to stay with the Feria because maybe Feria and an other brand will make a "reaction" together and wont be the color you like.

Good luck.

Hair troubles..?

I would put in a deep conditioner then go to a salon. You run the risk of screwing it up further, which would be horrible, or really damaging your hair. Stop before its too late and go to the salon. Many places have salon schools where you can have work (like color correction) done by a student in training under the watchful eye of an instructor (Aveda Institutes and Paul Mitchell Schools, for example). They're very patient, and VERY inexpensive. See the links below...

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