Wednesday, November 25, 2009

URENT: Dying My Bleached Hair Brown!?

I recently bleached my hair. They told me to wait at least 24 hours between dying. I've done that.

I called Loreal, They told us to get the two colors, one red, the other brown. We have to take the red one and use only the black tube of color, without the developer, and let it sit in.

Then use the brown and use it as normal.

Does this sound right to you? We didnt get all the details so im not sure if we have to use the developer if not, like how will it work. Please reply as im going to dye it withing the next hour.

URENT: Dying My Bleached Hair Brown!?

Honestly, I would go to a hairdresser so you will be assured that the color will come out right. Bleaching your hair can sometimes cause dyes to turn your hair orange or green, or some horrible color that you do not wish to have. The best advice, go to a hairdresser, and then you won't have to worry about what stuff to use. If you ever are looking to do drastic color changes that involve bleaching in the future, hairstylists are more than happy to help with their expertise.

URENT: Dying My Bleached Hair Brown!?

the developer is used to "lift". It contains peroxide (bleach).

They are advising you to use the first tube without developer so it will "fill" the hair shaft.

Try the steps they gave you on a strand about as thick as a pencil before using it on your entire head. That way if it doesn't come out the way they expect, you have other options.

Good Luck!

URENT: Dying My Bleached Hair Brown!?

yes its right because the red acts as a filler !! but i would just go to sally beauty and get the filler and one thing of dont need the developer just put the color on for a few minutes

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