Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Red hair dye fading after 2 days!!!!?

I just dyed my hair from natural blonde to red, Intense true red by Loreal....This was two days ago and it is already fading!!! Yesterday it was this beautiful red/purple color and today it is Orange/pink/red?!?!?!?!? I am an electrician and work outside all day long in the sun.. yes I know that doesn't help... I need to know if there is anything that will help keep the color brighter. I am tempted to go to the store and buy another color, same color, and dye it again.. that may not be healthy, but I am desperate.. any help will do.

Thank you.

Red hair dye fading after 2 days!!!!?

red always fades fast, no matter what shade of red it is. but 2 days is a little extreme. are you sure you did it right??? did you leave it on long enough??

any color over blonde fades quicker than if it was over brown....just because there is less pigment in the hair to begin with, so pigment doesn't stay the same. you say natural blonde, but was it REALLY your natural color, or was it dyed?? that makes a big difference as well.

also, the condition of your hair will determine how long color stays. was it healthy, or dry? was it porous?? porous hair grabs color dark, but doesn't hold it well at all. because the layers of the cuticle are lifted up instead of laying flat down, color goes in and out very easily.

working outside all day in the sun will absolutely have an effect on how long your color lasts. i would suggest using a color protect shampoo and conditioner, along w/ a sunscreen w/ an spf of at least 15. Paul Mitchell Locking Spray is a great has sunflower extracts in it as well to keep your color brighter (like a sunflower).

you pretty much have all the risk factors of quick fading going against color, previously blonde hair, and high sun exposure are the 3 things that make color fade the most. also the fact that you used an over the counter product probably isn't helping much. are you sure the color you chose was permanent, and not semi or demi?? that makes a BIG difference, as well. alot of these "bright" colors (red, purple, etc.) don't last very long because in order for them to be bright, there cannot be any brown at all in the color. not having brown makes in very intense, but also lacks staying power....

have you ever considered going to a stylist???

dying your hair again could have unpredicable could come out the same...or...

the dye molecules that are left in your hair could reactivate (this is common w/ over the counter color), which could make it darker....or....

if you have a root (which you probably dont, but IF you do), the root could come out much brighter than the rest....or....

your hair could simply fall out. i'm not sure of the condition of your hair, but it is possible, and i've seen it happen. it doesn't all fall out, like right out of your scalp, but it couldd damage and break it, and make it look really bad.

my suggestion?? go get it professionally done...

Red hair dye fading after 2 days!!!!?

Red is the least stable of all hair colors. Even natural red hair fades as you get older. Don't dye it again right away. I think maybe with your lifestyle---an outdoor job, you ought to steer away from the red shades.

Red hair dye fading after 2 days!!!!?

I have had red highlights before and I've been told Reds are the fast fading colours. Since its only been a couple days, it could be the excess dye that is being washed off still, and since hair dye reacts differently with each persons hair, perhaps the shade of your previous colour didn't hold the red as you had hoped. Perhaps if you do want vivid red it might be best to visit the hair dresser since their products are different from the over the counter products and that way you may get the results you want! Hope this helps and good luck with the hair horrors!

Red hair dye fading after 2 days!!!!?

I have the same problem.I wanted my hair to be a deep red on the bottom and black on top and within 3 days it went from red to a brownish color and I got mine done at a hair salon.I always heard red was the fastest color to fade but i didnt think it would fade that quickly.I would hold off on dying it again or doing a different color

Red hair dye fading after 2 days!!!!?

all i can tell you is reds fade and buy a sucks i know but that's the way it goes with reds sorry

Red hair dye fading after 2 days!!!!?

Red hair dye on blond will often fade to pink its the natural pigment you have in your skin and hair, the sun will make it worse, if you want a very dark red hair dye use a red black, no it wont go black it will be a very dark auburn red. this will last if you use a permanent dye.

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