The other day I used a black hair dye by Loreal that was suppose to wash out in 28 washes. I called the help line when it hadn't even started to fade a bit after three weeks. I was told that since it is darker than my natural color it won't wash out. Wish I would've seen that small print detail on the side of the box at the bottom before I gave black hair a whirl. Any how I am not stripping my hair. The black isn't horrible but w/just black it's pretty severe. If I used like a black cherry (over the counter) on it would the red attach? I think if I can just get some other color tones in it for some highlights I can live with it until it grows out.
Color over color will it work?
don't bleach your hair!!! it should be fine if you re-dyed it!!! :)
Color over color will it work?
ya once your hair is black thers no way of gettin rid of it unless your bleach it but ya doubt u want to do that the only thing i can tell yu is to get sum bright highlights tha way it wont look soo plain...but im not sure if u put like a black hairdye with sum red it will turn up or not...ask a pro
Color over color will it work?
ya it wont unless u use bleach or use a different color but don't use kool-aid or get blond highlights
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