my hair is naturally really thick and straight, and it's a dirty, strawberry, blonde color. it's is also really silky and strong.
anyway, I like dying it, although I only ever use 28ay dye, Loreal Colorspa Actif because my hair grows REALLY fast. I recently have been thinking about bleaching it when it get long again (it's shoulder length now) but I can't picture how it would look.
here are two pics
died brown:
y friend is bleaching her hair soon, so I plan on seeing how it goes with hers first, I just want ideas on ow others think it would look on me.
oh yeah, anyone with good photoshopping skills if you want to photoshop me with bleach blonde hair that would be awesome, I normally do it myself but I can't get the blonde to look not photoshopped for some reason :(
Bleaching hair?
Your gorgeous just the way you are.
Bleaching hair?
You do have great hair but I can totally relate to your need for change and hair fun. Try this site:
You upload your photo to the site and literally try on different hair styles and colors. Personally, I am risk-shy so this site worked for me. Report It
Bleaching hair?
You're really pretty!!!!! If you want to bleach your hair I recommend you have it professionally done.....I have dirty blonde hair and I use clip in platinum blonde extensions from Sally's beauty supply.......because they blend nicley with my natural hair and my friend tried bleaching my hair once using color out of a box and it came out brassy and it totally ruined my hair...wouldn't recommend it!
Bleaching hair?
I really think your hair looks better dark. But the way i dye my hair is dark in winter, and light in the summer. Lemon juice is a real natural way to lighten your hair in the summer. Less damage, and the look is more natural. :) good luck on your decision.
Bleaching hair?
honestly, if you want to bleach your hair, do it!
I have naturally quite light hair and I just spent this afternoon bleaching my hair by myself, using a manic panic flash lightening kit (30 vol) and I am happy with the results, nothing went wrong and my hair isn't even damaged (even though I dyed it regularly).
before bleaching your hair I recommend you do a lot of research.
If you decide to bleach your hair I strongly recommend you get a toner, ( I used manic panic virgin snow and left it in for almost an hour) A toner will take out all those gross brassy yellow tones you don't want.
I would also follow up with a shampoo that works like toner, (I use Loreal professional in 'silver')
before dying your hair you should try and repair it so that it is in the best possible condition. (I use Loreal professional absolut repair mask)
Anyway best of luck for what ever decision you make!
Bleaching hair?
I have been bleached blonde. Bad news! full of dark roots/split ends and expensive upkeep. You suit it dark for some reaon. Great for depth and shine and really brings out your nice eyes! Bleached hair will never stay long,, always snaps, and you may have to cut or crop your nice locks? Take my advice, keep your dark hair, use shaders and toners to keep depth and shine in between colour.enjoy different shades of brown and your natural hair colour. Toss your hair around, and let your friend stay with her dry, fluffy, short and broken peroxide blonde mess
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